Cayosoft Administrator helps establish granularity in your environment with attribute policies. This article lists examples of attribute policies to showcase the possible use cases. It is not a definitive list, but an introduction to the customization abilities of attribute policies. Every example table follows the structure Selected Virtual Admin Unit > Selected web query > Selected web action > Affected attribute > Edited attribute values > Notes.
Where appropriate, the list of possible values must include the default value. Otherwise, a user won't be able to select the default value after switching.
The Mask field in the policy settings window supports regular expressions, allowing you to customize it to fit your needs. Refer to the following section for a corresponding use case: Add a mask for any phone attribute.
Forced password change at next logon
This example covers the required steps to enforce the password change on the next logon.
Virtual Admin Unit | Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes |
Active Directory |
User must change password at next logon |
The policy is enforced upon the page refresh or the next user sign-in. |
Hide alternative e-mail address and phone number from the self-service form
This example covers the required steps to hide the Alternative E-mail Address and the Mobile Phone Number fields when a user accesses the Enroll here for Password Self-Service or Update my Self-Service details menus.
Virtual Admin Unit | Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes |
My Profile & Password |
My Profile & Password Rules |
Self-Service - Password Self-Service Enrollment Details |
For both attributes, select the Is Hidden checkbox. |
Disable automatic replies for the mailbox
This example covers the required steps to disable the auto-reply controls of the Mailbox action.
Virtual Admin Unit | Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes |
Active Directory |
AD Users |
Mailbox |
For each target attribute, select the Is Read-only checkbox. |
Verify that the policy works via AD Users > Mailbox. |
Set a default password for new users
This example covers the required steps to set a default password for new and (or) cloned users.
Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes | |
Active Directory |
New User, Clone User |
Customize the mailbox options
This example covers the required steps to specify a default mailbox type and customize the available mailbox options in the New User, Clone User, and Enable Mailbox action wizards.
Virtual Admin Unit | Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes |
Active Directory |
Mailbox Type |
Depending on your environment, copy the appropriate options to the Possible Values field:
In the Default Value field, state the number of the corresponding default option (0 through 3). |
In an AD and Office 365-only environment, specify the following options in the Possible values list:
Refer to the following figure for a reference:
Set a default UPN suffix for new shared, room, and equipment mailboxes
This example covers the required steps to specify the default UPN suffix for New Shared Mailbox, New Room Mailbox, and New Equipment Mailbox actions.
Virtual Admin Unit | Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes |
Active Directory |
UserPrincipalNameSuffix |
The values must follow the @domain.tld format. E.g., @cayosoft.com. |
Set a list of possible email suffixes
This example covers the required steps to specify possible email suffixes.
Virtual Admin Unit | Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes |
Active Directory |
Mailbox |
E-mail Addresses (Suffixes) |
In the Possible values field, specify the possible values separated by commas or new lines. Do not use the @ symbol. |
Add a mask for any phone attribute
This example covers the required steps to control a format of any phone number attribute by adding a formatting mask.
Virtual Admin Unit | Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes |
Active Directory |
Properties |
Any phone-related attribute |
Prohibit group membership modification
This example covers the required steps to prohibit the group membership modification.
Virtual Admin Unit | Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes |
Active Directory |
AD Groups |
Membership |
Members |
Select the Is Read-only checkbox. |
Set default Administrator Unit for cloud object creation actions
This example covers the required steps to set up the default Administrator Unit for your new Microsoft 365 users.
Virtual Admin Unit | Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes |
Microsoft 365 |
Users |
New User |
Parent container Azure AD Administrative Unit |
Select the Default Unit checkbox and specify the default admin unit. |
Hide a tab in the form
Hide any tab in the Web Portal form using attribute policies. Refer to the example below to hide the Info tab in the User Properties form.
Virtual Admin Unit | Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes |
Active Directory |
AD Users |
Properties |
* |
TIP: Refer to the following figure for a reference:
Hide a license plan option
This example covers the required steps to hide a license plan from the target web actions for all users.
Virtual Admin Unit | Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes |
Active Directory |
License Options |
Select the Hide option in the drop-down list of the target license plan. |
Hide or turn specific plan options read-only:
Set a default license option—select the checkbox for the appropriate license. |
You can also hide license plan options in your Microsoft 365 Virtual Admin Unit.
Virtual Admin Unit | Web Queries | Web Actions | Attributes | Required changes | Notes |
Microsoft 365 |
Users |
Select the Hide option in the drop-down list of the target license plan. |
Hide or turn specific plan options read-only:
Set a default license option—select the checkbox for the appropriate license. |
IMPORTANT: If a license is assigned to the target user, you cannot hide it.
Name generation rules
Cayosoft Administrator facilitates the user creation process by automatically generating the name attributes. Refer to the following article to learn more about the default and custom name generation rules: Uniqueness names generation in Attribute Policy.
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