Published: 3/28/2018
Updated: Current
Applies to: Cayosoft Administrator 5.x
User Sign-on Problems
Issue: User is presented with an Error and Logon Options
Resolution: The site must be added as a trusted site in the user's web browser.
Issue: User is presented with an Error and Logon
Resolution: Verify that Cayosoft Service is running or restart the Cayosoft Administration Service on the server to which the user is attempting to connect.
User Interface has missing components
Issue: Some Self-Service action commands are missing
Resolution: Verify the user has been assigned the correct roles and that the role delegates the missing command.
Issue: Some Self-Service forms have missing fields or features
1. Verify the user has been assigned the correct role(s).
2. Verify that the role delegating the action/form has not had Attribute Security applied that hides the missing field or feature.
My AD Groups
Issue: Foreign Domain User cannot be added to a group
Resolution: Active Directory requires that a group be of Universal type before members from other domains can be made members. Change the group type to Universal.
Issue: Add Members from file generates Webpage Error
Resolution: This issue is caused by Internet Explorer 9.x as it does not have the capability to upload a file without using ActiveX.
NOTE: Internet Explorer 9 no longer supported by Microsoft. While a workaround is provided below, it is Cayosoft's strong suggestion that you upgrade your web browser to the latest version here.
Workaround: Allowing IE9 to use ActiveX scripting
- Click the IE9 options icon at top right
- Click he Security tab at the top
- Click Custom level
- Set Allow Scriptlets to Prompt
- Set Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting to Prompt
- Close and re-open the web broswer
- The next time you use the Add Members from File command, you will be prompted to allow browser to access the file as shown below
- Click Yes and the file name will be shown on the dialog box
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