Cayosoft Administrator helps manage and streamline the administration process with the attribute policies. You can create policies to introduce defaults, make values hidden, or turn values read-only for web action attributes in your organization. Refer to the following list of possible actions:
Set a value to be required.
Set a value or input control to be read-only.
Hide a value or input control.
Set minimum and maximum length values for data entry.
Add a mask to control the format of the data entry.
Add a generation rule for the attribute values.
Set default values.
Set lists of possible values and convert data entry fields into drop-down menus.
Create custom labels for dialog boxes.
Video tutorial
Learn more about the attribute policies and the configuration examples in the video below:
Creating a policy
You can create multiple policies to allow for the granularity in users and groups depending on their workflow. Create an attribute policy by following the steps below:
In the left pane of the Console, navigate to Configuration > Web Portal > Attribute Policies.
Click Add Attribute Policy to create a policy.
Item | Description |
Name | A customizable policy name. |
User scope toggle | The user scope toggle determines the scope of the policy. |
Optional: Trustees | A list of trustees the policy affects. |
Policy scopes | A list of customized scopes. |
Attribute policy settings | A list of policy settings. The list includes unconfigured and customized items. |
TIP: You can filter the list of policy settings to display only the configured items. Select the Display configured items only checkbox to show the customized settings.
Managing the user scope
Limit the scope of the affected AD and Microsoft 365 users to ensure granular access control. Switch from your entire organization to a specific user or group of users by selecting Policies apply only to specified Trustees and clicking Add.
Managing the policy scope
Create an attribute policy to govern the attributes for the administrators in your environment. Refer to the following steps:
In the Attribute Policies window, locate and expand the target policy.
Click the Add Scope button to create a new policy scope.
In the pop-up window, select a Virtual Admin Unit that includes the web queries you would like to manage.
Select the appropriate web queries and web actions. Click OK to save the scope.
Best practices and frequently asked questions
Differences between All * and Check All options
When you set up policies affecting all queries or actions, there is a choice between the All * and Check All options. Refer to the following table to learn more about differences in their implementation:
Check All | All * |
Creates a dedicated record for each selected item. | Creates a single record for all items. |
A new item should be manually added to the policy. | A new item is automatically added to the policy. |
Affects the page loading times. | Does not affect the page loading times. |
The All * option ensures the policy is up-to-date with no manual intervention needed.
Allowing the user input
Select the Allow user input checkbox to allow users to input alternative attribute values not included in the original list.
NOTE: When you enter an alternative value, press Enter or Tab to save the value.
Adding a comma
Use the {c} expression to introduce a comma to the possible text value.
TIP: The intended Company A, Inc text value should read Company A{c} Inc.
Adding a carriage return symbol
Use the {n} expression in the text value to introduce a carriage return symbol to the same text value.
NOTE: The following example implements three separate entries: Main St.{n}12{c} 1, Maple St.{n}28-11{c} 4, and Elm St.{n}1{c} 104.
Overriding a label
Use the attribute policy to override a label and customize the attribute name. Select the Override label checkbox and specify the new attribute name.
Affecting the Modify actions
Refer to the following article to learn more about modifying the existing values: How the attribute policies work on Modify action.
Copying web actions
When you copy a web action to the configured attribute policy, you should restart the Cayosoft Administrator Service for the attribute policy to be applied correctly.
Resultant set of attribute policies
When multiple attribute policy rules affect the same web action, Cayosoft Administrator applies a specific algorithm to calculate the resultant set of attribute policies to enforce. Refer to the following article to learn more about the algorithm: How to calculate resultant set for conflicting attribute policy rules.
Use case scenarios
Refer to the following article to learn more about the possible implementation scenarios for the attribute policies: Use cases of attribute policies.
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