Web Queries
Active Directory
Rule name | Description |
AD Users web query displays Active Directory user objects, located in the domain or OU selected as a scope for the query. Default AD Users web query is included in the built-in Active Directory Admin Unit, and a custom copy of AD Users web query is copied to every new custom Admin Unit. |
AD Groups web query displays Active Directory groups, located in the domain or OU selected as a scope for the query. Default AD Groups web query is included in the built-in Active Directory Admin Unit, and a custom copy of AD Groups web query is copied to every new custom Admin Unit. |
AD Computers web query displays Active Directory computer objects, located in the domain or OU selected as a scope for the query. Default AD Computers web query is included in the built-in Active Directory Admin Unit, and a custom copy of AD Computers web query is copied to every new custom Admin Unit. |
AD Contacts web query displays Active Directory contacts objects, located in the domain or OU selected as a scope for the query. Default AD Contacts web query is included in the built-in Active Directory Admin Unit, and a custom copy of AD Contacts web query is copied to every new custom Admin Unit. |
AD User Templates web query displays AD User templates objects, located in the domain or OU selected as a scope for the query. Default AD User Templates web query is included in the built-in Active Directory Admin Unit, and a custom copy of AD User Templates web query is copied to every new custom Admin Unit. Display Name of AD User templates objects starts with an underscore "_". |
AD Users (Inactive) web query displays Active Directory inactive user accounts, located in the domain or OU selected as a scope for the query. Default AD Users (Inactive) web query is included in the built-in Active Directory Admin Unit, and a custom copy of AD Users (Inactive) web query is copied to every new custom Admin Unit. Inactive Active Directory users are users who have not logged-on in more than the specified number of days - OR - who have not changed their passwords in more than the specified number of days. |
AD Users (Locked out) web query displays Active Directory locked out user accounts, located in the domain or OU selected as a scope for the query. Default AD Users (Locked out) web query is included in the built-in Active Directory Admin Unit, and a custom copy of AD Users (Locked out) web query is copied to every new custom Admin Unit. Active Directory user account gets locked out when exceeding the maximum number of allowed logon attempts, defined in domain locked out policy. |
Enterprise Search
Rule name | Description |
AD Computers (Enterprise) web query displays Active Directory computer objects, located across multiple Active Directory forests. AD Computers (Enterprise) web query is included in the built-in Enterprise Search container. |
AD Groups (Enterprise) | AD Groups (Enterprise) web query displays Active Directory group objects, located across multiple Active Directory forests. AD Groups (Enterprise) web query is included in the built-in Enterprise Search container. |
AD Users (Enterprise) | AD Users (Enterprise) web query displays Active Directory user objects, located across multiple Active Directory forests. AD Users (Enterprise) web query is included in the built-in Enterprise Search container. |
Recycle Bin Web | Recycle Bin web query displays deleted Active Directory objects. This web query requires integration with Cayosoft Guardian. Recycle Bin web query is included in the built-in Active Directory Admin Unit. |
Rule name | Description |
Active Directory Users dashboard displays in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. It is a graphical report that provides a visual overview of the current numbers and statuses of on-premises Active Directory users, hybrid users, Azure Active Directory users, and Azure guests. |
Office 365 Use details dashboard displays as quick action for a user account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. It reflects the Office 365 service statuses that are taken from the Office 365 Service Adoption dashboard. These statuses mean whether a user utilized the corresponding Office 365 services or not. |
Office 365 Service Adoption dashboard displays in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. It is a graphical report that helps to analyze Office 365 adoption in your organization. Using this dashboard, you could see the number of active and inactive Office 365 services, get the list of users to understand which Office 365 services certain users utilize and assign or remove Office 365 licenses to these users. |
Office 365 License Optimization dashboard is displayed in the Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. It shows your potential savings through license optimization according to the actual usage of Office 365 features. It will show users with underutilized licenses, possible recommendations to switch to lower tier, lower cost licenses and the impact of this switch on the user. Using this dashboard, you can see the total spent sum, the cost of currently assigned and unassigned licenses and potential savings through optimization. To capture usage data for the Office 365 License Optimization dashboard and to update this data regularly, please navigate to HOME > RULES > Built-in Rules (Pre-configured) > Analytics collection in Cayosoft Administrator console and schedule this runbook. Note that for larger environments Office 365 usage data collection can take a significant amount of tim |
Office 365 Licensing dashboard displays in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. It is a graphical report that provides a visual overview of the current licensing count status and licensing cost estimates. |
Approval Dashboard displays in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal and allows to control approval process, showing all approval requests with their statuses, assignees and other information. For more information, please see the Configuration of Group Membership Approval article. |
Certification Dashboard displays in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal and allows to control certification process, showing all certification requests with their statuses, assignees and other information. For more information, please see the Configuration of Group Membership Certification article. |
Temporal Membership Dashboard displays in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal and allows to control how Temporal Group Membership is used in your organization, cancel and delete unneeded Temporal Group Membership Work Items. |
Office 365 License Quota dashboard allows delegated administrators to set and display license quotas in the Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Reports dashboard displays the list of reports generated by the rules that were published to Web Portal and executed by delegated administrators.
Use Execution History Dashboard to see the execution history details of published rules. This will help to understand why a rule failed to execute. |
Microsoft Office 365
Rule name | Description |
Users web query displays Microsoft Office 365 user objects, including guests accounts, resource mailboxes, and shared mailboxes. Active Users web query is included in the built-in Microsoft Office 365 container. |
Contacts web query displays Microsoft Office 365 contacts. Contacts web query is included in the built-in Microsoft Office 365 container. |
External Users web query displays Microsoft Office 365 guests accounts. External Users web query is included in the built-in Microsoft Office 365 container. |
Groups-Distribution web query displays Microsoft Office 365 distribution groups. Groups-Distribution web query is included in the built-in Microsoft Office 365 container. |
Groups-Office web query displays Microsoft Office 365 unified groups. Groups-Office web query is included in the built-in Microsoft Office 365 container. |
Groups-Security web query displays Microsoft Office 365 security groups. Groups-Security web query is included in the built-in Microsoft Office 365 container. |
Groups web query displays Microsoft Office 365 group objects. Groups web query is included in the built-in Microsoft Office 365 container. |
Mailbox-Resource web query displays Microsoft Office 365 resource mailboxes. Mailbox-Resource web query is included in the built-in Microsoft Office 365 container. |
Mailbox-Shared web query displays Microsoft Office 365 shared mailboxes. Mailbox-Shared web query is included in the built-in Microsoft Office 365 container. |
Teams web query displays Teams. Teams web query is included in the built-in Microsoft Office 365 container. |
Devices web query displays Microsoft 365 devices. Devices web query is included in the built-in Microsoft 365 container. |
Recycle Bin web query displays all deleted Office 365 objects. Recycle Bin web query is included in the built-in Microsoft Office 365 container. |
My Organization
Rule name | Description |
My AD Groups web query displays the Active Directory groups that are managed by the user logged in to the Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. It uses managedby and msExchCoManagedByLink attributes to identify primary and secondary group owners. My AD Groups web query is included in the built-in My Organization container. |
My AD Users web query displays the Active Directory users that are managed by the user logged in to the Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. It uses the manager attribute to identify the user manager. My AD Users web query is included in the built-in My Organization container. |
My AD Users (Expiring) web query displays the Active Directory user accounts that will expire within the specified number of days. My AD Users (Expiring) web query is included in the built-in My Organization container. |
My Company Directory web query displays enabled Active Directory user accounts that have phone numbers. My Company Directory web query is included in the built-in My Organization container. |
My Memberships web query displays the Active Directory groups for which a user is a member. My Memberships web query is included in the built-in My Organization container. |
My Office 365 Groups web query displays Microsoft Office 365 Unified and Security groups where the current logged in user is set as an owner. My Office 365 Groups web query is included in the built-in My Organization container. |
My Pending Tasks web query displays pending work items for approval and certification assigned to the current user. My Pending Tasks web query is included in the built-in My Organization container. |
My Request Status web query displays approval requests initiated by the current user and the statuses of these requests. My Request Status web query is included in the built-in My Organization container. |
My Office 365 DLs web query displays Microsoft Office 365 Distribution Lists and Mail-Enabled Security groups where the current logged in user is set as the owner. My Office 365 DLs web query is included in the built-in My Organization container. |
My Teams web query displays Microsoft Teams where the current logged in user is set as an owner. My Teams web query is included in the built-in My Organization container. |
Skype Users
Rule name | Description |
Skype Users (Online) web query displays all user accounts provisioned to Skype Online. Skype Users (Online) web query is included in the built-in Skype Users container. Skype Users container displays in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal when Connect to Skype Online service setting in Microsoft Office 365 extension is set to Yes. |
Skype Users (Server) web query displays all user accounts provisioned to Microsoft Skype Server. Skype Users (Server) web query is included in the built-in Skype Users container. |
Web Actions
Active Directory
Rule name | Description |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to add members to Active Directory group from file. |
Use this action to add Active Directory user to multiple groups in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to view and modify properties of AD LDS account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to change calendar permissions on a resource mailbox in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to clone an Active Directory user account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. When you clone the existent user account, you can specify only naming properties for the new user account. All other properties are copied from the source user account, including group membership and parent OU. If the source user has a home folder, the new user will also have a home folder in the same directory with a corresponding name. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to compare membership of one Active Directory user with another Active Directory user. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to convert Active Directory user account to a shared mailbox. |
Use this action to delete Active Directory user account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to delete Active Directory group in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to delete Active Directory computer account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to delete Active Directory contact in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to disable Active Directory user or computer account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to disable the hybrid or on-premise mailbox of existing Active Directory users who already have mailboxes. |
Use this action to enable Active Directory user or computer account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to mail-enable existing universal security group or universal distribution group. |
Use this action to create a mailbox for existent Active Directory user in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. Enable Mailbox web action is available for a user if its mailnickname attribute is empty. |
Use this action to extend the expiration date of the expiring user accounts in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal, My Organization > My AD Users (Expiring) web query. |
Use this web action to edit the start and end times for your membership in the selected group. |
Use this action to view and modify mail properties of mail-enabled Active Directory group in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. Note: If Group type is Exchange Remote, you will be able to view and modify its mail properties in Microsoft Office 365 > Groups-Distribution web query. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to join the Active Directory groups that are published for discovery. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to leave the Active Directory group that you are a member of. |
Use this action to force expiration and new password auto-generation for local administrator accounts on computers joined to Active Directory in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to set or modify multi-factor authentication for Active Directory users if they have the matching accounts in Office 365 (hybrid user accounts). |
Use this action to mail-enable Active Directory user account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. The mail-enabled user can receive messages only at an external e-mail address. Such a user doesn't have an Exchange mailbox. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to view or modify Office 365 user mailbox properties. |
Use this action to view and modify Active Directory group membership in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to enable group membership approval for the selected Active Directory group and/or to publish the group to allow people to join and leave it in Cayosoft Self Service. |
Use this action to modify Active Directory group membership restrictions in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. You could enable or disable membership restrictions for a group, set a maximum number of group members and select group members types. |
Use this action to move Active Directory user account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to move Active Directory group in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to move Active Directory contact in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to move Active Directory computer object in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new computer object in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new Active Directory Contact in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new distribution group in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new equipment mailbox in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new Active Directory Group in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a New Linked Mailbox in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new room mailbox in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new shared mailbox in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new Active Directory user account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new Active Directory user with a linked mailbox in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to assign or revoke Office 365 licenses for Active Directory user accounts that have matching Office 365 accounts. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to view and modify OneDrive properties of Active Directory user that has matching Office 365 account and Sharepoint Online license. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to cancel existing calendar item for the selected resource mailbox and to send organizers of that item the cancellation message. Optionally you could add a replacement calendar item. |
Use this action to view and modify properties of Active Directory user account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Properties (Active Directory groups)
Use this action to view and modify properties of Active Directory group in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to view and modify properties of Active Directory contact in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to view and modify properties of Active Directory computer in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to rename Active Directory distribution group in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to rename Active Directory user account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to reset the password for the Active Directory user. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to view and modify Skype Online properties of Active Directory user that has matching Office 365 account and Skype Online license. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to deactivate the Active Directory group, according to the best practices or internal IT policy. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to deactivate the Active Directory user account, according to the best practices or internal IT policy. |
Use this action in the Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to deactivate the Active Directory computer, according to the best practices or internal IT policy. |
Use this action to view or modify user template properties in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to reactivate the Active Directory user that was previously suspended, according to the best practices or internal IT policy. Requires Cayosoft® Suspend™. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to reactivate the Active Directory group that was previously suspended, according to the best practices or internal IT policy. Requires Cayosoft® Suspend™. |
Use this action in the Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to reactivate the Active Directory computer that was previously suspended, according to the best practices or internal IT policy. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to view and modify Unix/Linux properties of Active Directory user that have been Unix enabled. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to view or modify properties of mail-enabled Active Directory user. |
Use this action to check the user's answer to the question shared with the Helpdesk. The user provides this answer during Self-Service enrollment. |
Rule name | Description |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to approve or reject an operation forwarded to a person for approval. You can perform Approve or Reject action using My Pending Tasks web query or Approval Dashboard. |
Use this action to cancel approval or certification work items in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to complete the group review and certification. You can perform Certify action using My Pending Tasks web query or Certification Dashboard. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to view recent changes that were made to objects in Active Directory and Microsoft Office 365. This information helps to understand who, what and when made the changes that may affect the object. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to view the changes on objects that were made by the selected Active Directory user. This information helps to understand what and when the changes on objects were made. |
Use this action to delete work items in Certification Dashboard or Approval Dashboard Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
This web action redirects to a new Web browser frame with the object found by using Enterprise Search. |
Use this action to undelete objects in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. This web action requires integration with Cayosoft Guardian. |
Use this web action to view details of the selected work item. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to select a reporting rule and run it to generate the output report. Reporting rule must be first configured and published to the Web Portal for the user to be able to select and run such a rule. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to download the selected published report to your computer. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to open a selected report in a new browser tab. |
Use this action to show details of the selected execution history record. |
Use this action to delete report record(s) in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal.
This action allows the users to update their contact and organization information in the Cayosoft Administrator Self-Service Portal. |
This action allows the users to change their passwords in the Cayosoft Administrator Self-Service Portal. |
This rule defines the questions, answers and associated settings needed for users to reset forgotten passwords and unlock their accounts through the Cayosoft Administrator Self-Service Portal. |
Starting from the 9.1.0 version a new Custom Web Action command has been added. This web action allows running unsupported custom scripts for Active Directory or Microsoft 365 objects that are selected in the Cayosoft Web Portal. |
Microsoft Office 365
Rule name | Description |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to enable Office 365 user account so this user can sign-in to Office 365. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to add members to Office 365 group from file. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to view and modify membership in Azure AD Administrative Units. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to archive Team. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to compare membership of one Office user or guest account with another user or guest account. |
Use this action to delete an Office 365 user in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to delete an Office 365 group in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to view and modify Azure AD devices associated with a Microsoft 365 user. |
Use this action to view and modify Microsoft 365 device properties in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to enable a Microsoft 365 device in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to disable a Microsoft 365 device in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to delete a Microsoft 365 device in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to edit license quotas in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to modify multi-factor authentication settings for Office 365 users. |
Shows user's existing registered authentication methods. Once a user has no more methods, they'll be prompted to register the next time they sign in where strong authentication is required. |
Use this web action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to add an Exchange Authentication policy to MS 365 user account. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to view or modify mail properties of Office 365 unified and distribution groups. |
Use this action to view and modify mailbox properties of Active Directory user account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to update Office 365 group membership. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to update Team membership. |
Use this action to move Azure AD users and groups to the specified parent Azure AD Administrative Unit. |
Use this action to create a new Office 365 distribution group in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new Office 365 unified group in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new Team in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new Office 365 security group in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new Office 365 user account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to assign or revoke Office 365 licenses for Office 365 user accounts in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to view and modify OneDrive properties of Office 365 user that has matching Sharepoint Online license. |
Use this action to set password never expires option for Office 365 user account (Cloud only) in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to disable Office 365 user account so this user cannot sign-in to Office 365. If directory synchronization is being used, the user account must be deactivated in the on-premises Active Directory according to the specific DirSync/AD Connect configuration. |
Use this action to view and modify Office 365 user properties in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to view and modify Office 365 group properties in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to view and modify Team properties in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new cloud-only room mailbox in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this web action to create a new cloud-only equipment mailbox in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to change calendar properties on a Microsoft 365 resource mailbox in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to reset the password for the Office 365 user. |
Use this action to suspend Office 365 user in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. Requires Cayosoft® Suspend™. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to unarchive Team. |
Use this action in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal to reactivate the Office 365 user that was previously suspended, according to the best practices or internal IT policy. Requires Cayosoft® Suspend™. |
Use this action to create a new Office 365 shared mailbox in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to view and modify Office 365 shared mailbox properties in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to view and modify Microsoft Teams policies in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to create a new Office 365 external guest account in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to convert Office 365 user account from Guest to Member in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to convert Office 365 user account from Member to Guest in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to sign a user out of all Microsoft 365 sessions. |
Use this action to create a new Microsoft 365 contact in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to modify a Microsoft 365 contact's properties in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
Use this action to delete a Microsoft 365 contact in Cayosoft Administrator Web Portal. |
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