Cayosoft Administrator 9.1.0 adds new rule migration and deprecation toolsets aimed to address the challenges of dealing with rapid change in the Microsoft cloud. When you open Administrator Console you will now see the Deprecated Rules link in the Urgent notification section on the Home page.
Deprecated rules are the rules that Cayosoft plans to retire in for one of the reasons below:
- Microsoft API breaking changes make an automated upgrade from a legacy rule to a newer version impossible
- Functionality is no longer provided or does not make sense due to Microsoft changes.
- A rule was completely redesigned and an automated upgrade is not feasible.
- A rule is no longer used.
All deprecated rules will be disabled and stop working at a predefined EOL (End of Life) date. New instances of these rules cannot be created from the new rule wizard. However, these deprecated rules are divided into two different categories:
- Obsolete rules: these rules will no longer be supported after the given EOL time and will stop working as supported rules.
- Rules with migration path: these deprecated rules will be provided with migration functionality to newer versions of rules that include most or all of the deprecated rule functionality. After migration, both the legacy and the new rule exist simultaneously and the deprecated rule has to be removed manually. Please see below for a full description of the migration functionality
Obsolete rules EOL 2025-04-01:
- Office 365 Users | License Plan Change Cost Modeling (Plan & Options)
- Office 365 Users Billing Count by AD Group Membership
- AD Users | DirSync User Mapping
- Office 365 Users | Create AD Users (On-Premises)
- Office 365 Users | Delete Unlicensed Users
- Office 365 Group Membership by User (Distribution, Security)
- Office 365 Users in Recycle Bin
- Office 365 Disabled Users | Send to Recycle Bin
- Office 365 Recycle Bin | Remove Users (Permanent Deletion)
- Office 365 Domains
- AD Groups | Enforce App Role Assignments
- Office 365 Users Alternative Contact Info Not Set
- Office 365 Users | Update Organizational Attributes
- AD Users Expired Office 365 Linked User Status
- Text file | Dynamic Attributes™ Update Office 365 Users Properties
- Hybrid Office 365 User with Mismatched UserPrincipalNames
Obsolete rules EOL 2024-07-30:
- OneDrive for Business Users
Obsolete rules EOL 2022-11-01:
- AD Users with Office 365 Licenses
- Skype Properties
- Office 365 Users | Enforce Skype Settings by AD Group Membership
- Office 365 Users Billing Count by AD Group (Roll-up)
Obsolete rules EOL 2022-09-19:
- Office 365 Users | Skype post creation tasks
Obsolete rules EOL 2022-08-26:
- Office 365 Users Last Logon
- Office 365 Users Last Logon with Custom Attribute
- Enforce Clutter Settings
Obsolete rules EOL 2022-07-01
- Office 365 Users | Enable Lync
Rules with migration paths:
Here is the list of rule pairs: old MSOL rule > Graph rule on which the old rule should be migrated:
EOL 2022-11-01
- AD Users | Enforce License > AD Users | Enforce License rule (New)
- AD Groups | Enforce License > AD Groups | Enforce License rule (New)
- Office 365 Groups | Enforce Licenses > Microsoft 365 Groups | Enforce Licenses rule (New)
- Office 365 Users | Enforce License > Microsoft 365 Users | Enforce License rule (New)
- Office 365 Users | Change selected license option by AD Group > Microsoft 365 Groups | Enforce Licenses rule (New)
- Office 365 Users | License Plan Change Cost Modeling & Enforcement > Microsoft 365 Users | Enforce License rule (New)
- Office 365 Users | Revoke Disabled Users Licenses > Microsoft 365 Users | Enforce License rule (New)
- Remote Linked Mailboxes | Enforce License > Remote Linked Mailboxes | Enforce License rule (New)
- Office 365 Users | License Plan Change Cost Modeling (Plan & Options) by User > Microsoft 365 Users with Licenses rule.
- Office 365 Users | License Plan Change Cost Modeling & Enforcement (Plan & Options & User) > Microsoft 365 Users | Enforce License rule (New)
EOL 2023-04-30
Reporting rules that should be migrated to Microsoft 365 Users rule:
- Office 365 Users
- Office 365 Users (No filtering)
- Office 365 Users Custom Attributes
- Office 365 Users Organizational & Contact Details
- Office 365 Users Recently Created
- Office 365 Users Usage Location Not Set
- Office 365 Guests
Rules that should be replaced with the Microsoft 365 Groups rule:
- Office 365 Groups
- Office 365 Groups (Distribution, Security, and Mail-Enabled-Security)
- Microsoft 365 Groups with Membership Empty or Below Threshold
- Office 365 Groups (Distribution) Members Count
- Office 365 Groups (Distribution) Members
Rules that should be replaced with Microsoft 365 Groups and Members rule:
- Office 365 Group Members (Distribution, Security)
- Microsoft Teams Members
- Microsoft 365 Groups and Teams With No Owners or Members
The Deprecated Rules node has been introduced in the Administrator Console, where you can review and migrate such rules to a newer version. Before migration, you can perform a What If analysis to get a report that will have information about how the selected rule will be migrated.
Deprecated rules node in Administrator Console
The Deprecated Rules is a list of rules supported until the time specified next to each rule, after which they will become obsolete. Obsolete rules are not supported and cannot be run on schedule.
If the rule can be migrated you will see the red banner on it with the information that the rule is deprecated and will become obsolete and unsupported after the specified date and with the Migrate Rule button.
If the rule cannot be migrated you will see just the red banner with the information that the rule is deprecated and will become obsolete and unsupported after the specified date. However, you can manually configure the new corresponding rule to achieve the same functionality.
How to migrate the rule:
- Select the rule in the Deprecated Rules list or select it in the Administrator Console tree and click Migrate Rule.
- Click Next.
- Select the mode: What if analysis or Migration.
- Click Finish.
What-if analysis
No new rules will be created, no current rules will be updated or deleted. You will get the execution report with details on how the selected rules will be migrated, and what rules' settings can be and cannot be migrated.
These steps will be accomplished in migration mode:
- Create substitution rules and mark the source rules as migrated.
- Migrate supported settings and report unsupported or obsolete settings.
- Enable the schedule on substitution rules if it was enabled on the source rules.
- Disable the schedule on the source rules.
- Replace links to the source rules in the runbooks, web actions, and other rules with the links to the replacement rules.
- Create a report with migrated rules, list runbooks web actions and rules where links were replaced, and list unsupported or obsolete settings.
Also, it is possible to do the following:
- Add prefixes to the source rule names.
- Create configuration database backup before migration.
- Open execution report on completion.
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