How to identify the users to add them to the group as members
Active Directory groups
You can use email, SamAccountName (login name), or UserPrincipalName attributes to identify the users to be added to the Active Directory groups as members.
Microsoft 365 groups
You can use the UserPrincipalName and mail attributes to identify the users or guests to be added to the Microsoft 365 groups as members.
Add users with a comma-separated list
Comma-separated format – The file should be a simple text file with the user information separated by commas.
Example file format:,howard.jones,james@domain.
Upload the comma-separated file to add users to a group
Click the checkmark to the left of the Group’s name to select the group.
On the Actions menu, click Add Members from file.
At the right end of the File Name field click the File icon.
Select the file and click OK.
Under Content type, verify Comma separated is selected.
Click the Add button.
Add users with a single column list
First row contains header – the first row in the text file contains data that does not represent user e-mail, samaccountname (windows logon), or userprincipalname.
Single column format – The file should be a simple text file with the user information on separate lines.
Example file format:
Upload a one column file to add users to a group
Click the checkmark to the left of the Group’s name to select the group.
On the Actions menu, click Add Members from file.
At the right end of the File Name field click the file icon.
Select the file and click OK.
- Under Content type, verify Single column is selected.
Click the Add button.
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