Summary: This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to configure the Azure SQL Database and then use it in Cayosoft Administrator SQL provisioning rules such as:
- Import SQL Data | Create Office 365 Users rule
- Import SQL Data | Update Office 365 Users rule
- Import SQL Data | Suspend Office 365 Users rule
- Import SQL Data | Create Office 365 Guest Users rule
Applies to: Cayosoft Administrator 7.3.0 or later
ID: KB20200831-1
- Sign-in to Microsoft Azure Portal
- Click SQL Databases and select the database that you want to use in Cayosoft Administrator SQL provisioning rules. In this articl let it be TEST_DB:
- Click Connection Strings and copy ADO.NET (SQL authentication) settings:,1433;Initial Catalog=TEST_DB;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=julia;Password={your_password};MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;
- In Cayosoft Admin Console navigate to Home > Configuration > Connected Systems Extensions > Utils
- Check database settings. In Firewall settings set Allow Azure services and resources to access this server to No:
- Open SQL Server section:
- Instance: paste Server value from the connection string that was copied from Azure SQL Database (,1433)
- Database: paste Initial Catalog value from the connection string that was copied from Azure SQL Database
- Credentials: specify User ID and password
- Click Check Settings to be sure that settings are correct.
Now you can use this database in SQL provisioning rules.
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