Rule Description
This rule queries a Change History archive database and displays Change History details for any Active Directory or Office 365 operation that is stored in the archive and satisfies the specified search criteria.
When to use this rule
Use this rule when you need to get the report with change history details from Change Histori archived database for some Active Directory or Office 365 operation. You can specify a definite period of time when the changes were made, operation initiator, action name and etc.
Rule Settings
Query Section
Setting name | Description |
From (date) To (date) |
Specify the period of time for which you want to get the report. You can set dates or select one of the values in the When setting: Last 24 hours, this week, this month, etc. |
Who | When Web Portal is configured to use Active Directory authentication method, provide Domain\Logon Name.
When configured to use the Azure AD authentication method, provide the user principal name. Separate multiple accounts by ";". |
What (Actions) | Specify Web Action name. You can separate multiple names by ";". |
Object location or path | For objects in AD, provide Domain or Organizational Unit path (canonical name). Separate multiple paths by ";". For objects in Office 365, provide a display name. |
Object name contains | Specify the string that the object name should contain. Separate multiple strings by ";". |
Additional Filter |
Property name contains
Old value contains New value contains |
Specify the string that the property name and its values should contain. Separate multiple strings by ";". |
Client IP | Specify client IP address string. Example: "". |
Initiator comment | Specify the string that the initiator comment should contain. Separate multiple strings by ";". |
Ticket | Specify the string that the initiator comment should contain. Separate multiple strings by ";". |
Operation data (advanced) | Specify the string anywhere within operation data. Separate multiple strings by ";". |
Other Query Settings |
Properties to display |
To display additional properties for each object found by the query, add those properties to the list. |
Filter |
To hide unwanted data set the filtering conditions here. |
Sort by |
Sort result object list. |
Order |
Specify sorting order: ascending or descending. |
Maximum returned results |
The maximum number of records. By default, all records are displayed. |
Report format |
Specify the report format:
Initialization script |
Usually, rules use query criteria to limit the query search scope. It improves the performance of the executed rule. Due to PowerShell limitations, it is not possible to use calculated expressions in query criteria. That is the point where the initialization script can help. You can initialize a global variable in this setting and then use it in query criteria.
Important: To use a variable, declared in the initialization script, in the query scope, it must be global: $global:<variable name>.
Example: Get all objects, created in the last ten days.
{$global:DatePeriod = (Get-Date).AddDays(-10)}
Archive SQL Settings |
Note: By default, all settings in this section are taken from Home > Configuration > Settings > Change History. |
SQL Instance |
Specify the name of the SQL Instance where the database with archived Change History is stored. Use SERVER\INSTANCENAME. |
SQL Credentials |
Specify SQL credentials. |
Database name |
Specify database name where archived Change History data is stored. |
Table name |
Specify the table name. |
SQL Server command timeout |
Sets the maximum time (in seconds) for the system to wait for an SQL command to execute before timing out and returning an error. The default is 30 seconds. |
Output Section
This section defines the output format of this rule.
To get more information about this section, please see the Output section article.
Enforce/Schedule section
This section defines the schedule for how often to run the rule.
To get more information about this section, please see the Enforce/Schedule section article.
Change History
Version | Notes |
11.3.1 | The SQL Server command timeout setting has been added. |
7.2.0 | The rule is introduced in the product. |
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