Rule Description
This rule will automatically archive and then clean up Change History details by data age.
For more about change history and what data it contains see here: Auditing Cayosoft Administrator with Change History and Execution History
When to use this rule
Use this rule to archive the Change History database. You should specify SQL settings where the archived Change History database will be stored and schedule this rule to run daily.
If this rule is not configured and scheduled, and the Change History size is more than 1GB you will see this alert message: Change history database size exceeds 1GB. Change history is not being archived. Please configure and schedule the Archive.
You will see the same alert message when the Change History size is more than 2GB and 5GB.
Rule Settings
Query Section
Setting name | Description |
Note: By default, all settings in this section are taken from Home > Configuration > Settings > Change History. |
SQL Instance |
Specify the name of the SQL Instance where the database with archived Change History will be stored. Use SERVER\INSTANCENAME. |
SQL Credentials |
Specify SQL credentials. |
Database name |
Specify the database name where archived Change History data will be stored. |
Table name |
The table name is mandatory. Specify the table name. The table will be created if it doesn't exist. The Default Archive SQL Table value is taken from the 'Table' setting in the Change History settings. |
Action Section
Setting name | Description |
Cleanup action |
Specify the cleanup action:
Delete records older than
This is the Change History record retention value specified in months. The number of months specifies how long the Change History will remain available in the Web Portal/Console before it is archived and/or deleted. |
Output Section
This section defines the output format of this rule.
To get more information about this section, please see the Output section article.
Enforce/Schedule section
This section defines the schedule for how often to run the rule.
To get more information about this section, please see the Enforce/Schedule section article.
Change History
Version | Notes |
11.1.0 | Two more alerts were added: one at 1 GB and one at 5 GB. |
7.2.0 | The rule is introduced in the product. |
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