Summary: Starting from the 7.1 version Cayosoft Administrator has the Enable Modern Authentication setting in the Microsoft 365 extension in the Advanced Settings section.
Due to current limitations in the Microsoft SharePoint module, when modern authentication is enabled, connecting to SharePoint Online service requires adding a registry subkey on the client computer to avoid connection issues. This key forces modern authentication when connecting to SharePoint Online.
This article contains instructions on how to add the registry subkey on the client computer to force modern authentication that will resolve the errors with connection to SharePoint Online.
Applies to: Cayosoft Administrator 7.1.0 or later
ID: KB20210607-1
Typical Error Messages
Scenario | Issue | Requirements |
OneDrive Properties web action always displays the error even if a user has a personal site. |
This user doesn't have a OneDrive site. |
Add a registry subkey to the client's computer. |
Office 365 Users | OneDrive post creation tasks and New User | Office 365 OneDrive post creation tasks rules fail.
Timed-out waiting for OneDrive personal site creation. |
Admin Console reports the error. It cannot connect to the managed Microsoft 365 platform. |
Conditional Access Policy that is applied to Office 365 Sharepoint Online application. |
Admin Console reports the error. CayoAdmin could not connect to one of the managed platforms. | SharePoint Client-Side Object Model (CSOM) is not installed. |
1. Run the Prerequisites Check tool and ensure all Sharepoint components are installed. |
Web Portal reports error in Microsoft 365 web queries |
1. SharePoint Client-Side Object Model (CSOM) is not installed. or 2. The term 'Disconnect-SPOService' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. |
1. Run the Prerequisites Check tool and ensure all Sharepoint components are installed. |
Web Portal reports error in Microsoft 365 web queries |
'There is no service currently connected' error. |
1. Check firewall settings. |
Add a registry subkey on the client's computer
You should add the registry subkey to HKEY_CURRENT_USER. The Cayosoft Administrator Service should be running under the same account used by the currently logged-in user.
- Get the current value to check if legacy authentication protocols are enabled:
- Connect to Sharepoint Online using a global admin account. Use the proper domain name, user log in and password:
$username = ""
$password = "Password"
$cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $userName, $(convertto-securestring $Password -asplaintext -force)
Connect-SPOService -Url -Credential $cred - Get the current state of legacy protocols:
Get-SPOTenant | fl LegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled
- Connect to Sharepoint Online using a global admin account. Use the proper domain name, user log in and password:
- Disable legacy authentication protocols:
Set-SPOTenant -LegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled $false
- Add a registry subkey on the client computer to force modern authentication. For details please see this Microsoft Article: Can't force Modern Authentication when using Connect-SPOService cmdlet in SharePoint Online Management Shell - SharePoint | Microsoft Docs.
- Restart Cayosoft Administrator Service.
Run Prerequisites Check tool and ensure all Sharepoint components are installed
All details are described in this KB: Installing components for working with SharePoint Online
Remove odd DLLs from GAC
Sometimes Sharepoint DLLs are left in GAC after uninstalling the old SharePoint Online Management Shell MSI package. This causes errors in loading the new Sharepoint PowerShell module and working with its commands.
Perform the steps below to fix the issue:
1. Stop Cayosoft Adminisrator service.
2. In Programs and Features ensure that the following Sharepoint components are not installed:
- SharePoint Online Management Shell
- Microsoft Sharepoint Client Components
If any of these components is displayed, then uninstall it.
3. Open the PowerShell ISE console and run the commands
Uninstall-Module Microsoft.Online.Sharepoint.PowerShell
4. Open C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL and remove folders: 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Client' and 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime'.
5. Install the required Sharepoint components as described in the following article:
6. Start the Cayosoft Administrator service.
Check firewall settings
- Check that URLs and ports required for the Sharepoint connection are opened: Required ports for Cayosoft Administrator – Cayosoft Help Center.
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